
enki is a modern fable that (re)awakens the wisdom of the inner-child and the richness of our innate sensory capacities. Having a powerful, often profound effect upon listeners, enki is shared by spoken word and heard by the child within, who is always listening no matter your age.

Many of us live in worlds of continual plan-making and to-do lists, anticipating every peak and trough, surrounded by narratives of fear and urgency. We work so hard, maybe even fight, to secure a ‘brighter future’ for ourselves, for our families, for the world, only to be met by yet more uncertainty, by another layer of complexity.

enki invites us on a different journey, to slow down in response to urgency; to linger in the liminal and the intuitive, to lean into the unfamiliar comfort of not-knowing, open for the wonder of emergence, where being is the compost of doing.

“...they knew it was more than the sum of its parts,
but enquired with their minds and neglected their hearts...”
— from enki, by Alex Lambie